Sunday, June 16, 2013

Adrenaclick Re-launch

The Adrenaclick® was "before my time" as a food allergy mom, but I read on Avoiding Allergens and Onespot Allergy's Facebook pages that the Adrenaclick is being re-released in the U.S.  When watching the video for the device, it reminded me of a device that our support group leader had given me a trainer for, several months back.  I went to dig it up and it was the Twinject®, the Adrenaclick's sibling.  I thought I'd share some photos of the Twinject trainer, as it looks pretty much exactly like the Adrenaclick, aside from color differences.

I took a picture of the Twinject, outside of and next to its case, alongside the EpiPen and Auvi-Q, for comparison purposes:
Top: EpiPen trainer, out of its hard plastic case (which is probably not fair to the other devices when showing size...)
Second Row: Twinject device (trainer)
Third Row: Twinject outer case
Bottom: Auvi-Q trainer
As you can see, whether in or out of the case, the Twinject (and by extension, the Adrenaclick) is about the same size as the EpiPen, albeit a bit rounder in it's case, but as I said, the EpiPen is not in its light-protective case, either, so that will add some bulk to the EpiPen.  Both devices are obviously larger than the Auvi-Q™.

The Adrenaclick has two green safety caps, marked "1" and "2", to indicate the order in which they are to be removed.  The "business end" of the device is red, to let the user know to avoid touching that area.
Twinject trainer with first safety cap removed, to show the red tip...
Unlike the Twinject, the Adrenaclick does not carry a syringe-based second dose within the device body.  I can't decide whether that's a plus or a minus.  It's a minus, because you don't have two doses in a single device, but it's probably because people did not like injecting themselves with a syringe for the second dose.  Cutting out the second dose probably also reduces the cost of the device, which is always a consideration.  The Adrenaclick will come in two-packs.

Perhaps this will be marketed as a "generic" EAI, since it is old "technology", so to speak.  As long as it properly delivers epinephrine, though, that's the most important part, and if this device will be available at a lower rate than the other devices, then I think it fills a great need.  There are many at risk of anaphyalxis, or with children at-risk, and we need as many low-cost options for epinephrine, as possible.

Personally, my definite favorite is still the Auvi-Q, and it's only $25 with most insurance plans, plus I can get multiple sets with that single $25 co-pay. (There's a $0 co-pay offer through 12/31/2013!)  I think it's the most portable device and self-training, as well.  I will keep an eye out for pricing information, though, on the Adrenaclick, and pass along the information, as it becomes available.  (Here's a link to the post with preliminary pricing information.)

UPDATE:  This morning, I received an email from the Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics ( - you should consider joining!), and apparently, the makers of the Adrenaclick are marketing their device as a generic via Lineage Therapeutics called "epinephrine injection, USP auto-injector".  Here's more from their email:

This product, marketed as a generic epinephrine auto-injector, is an "authorized generic" of the Adrenaclick auto-injector only.

The availability of this product could result in substitution for other epinephrine auto-injectors at the pharmacy, leading to confusion.

Epinephrine auto-injectors look and function differently from one another. Each has different instructions for use and requires different training. You may be trained on one type of auto-injector, and the pharmacy may provide another for which you were not trained to use.

During the stress of an anaphylactic reaction, this could result in a delay or perhaps an error in the administration of the drug. Time is of the essence during an anaphylactic reaction. Make sure you are well prepared with the proper prescribed medication. No surprises!

When having a prescription filled, patients or caregivers should reinforce with the pharmacist the importance of getting the specific epinephrine auto-injector their physician prescribed and that they are trained to use. Be sure to check the bag before leaving the pharmacy drive-through or counter. Accept no substitutes!

View each type of epinephrine auto-injector and the instructions for administration at the respective product web sites:
Visit for more information on the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, as well as how to ensure you are prepared in the event of an emergency.

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